Friday, November 30, 2012

ATRL: Discussion: Comparing KATY PERRY'S re-release to Nicki's Re-release!

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Discussion: Comparing KATY PERRY'S re-release to Nicki's Re-release!
Nov 30th 2012, 07:56

Katy Perry's re-release Teenage Dream: The Complete confection Sold 33k copies 1st week march of this year, a year & a half after the Hit, Teenage Dream which sold 5.5 million copies WW, garnishing 5 #1 singles. Her re-release consisted of 3 REMIXED SONGS & 2 songs. Nicki Minaj's The Re-up re-release which came out 7 months after the release of PF:RR, consisted of 7 BRAND NEW SONGS, & a DVD. With limited physical copies on the shelf ( Because it was to be added on the Original Lp sales), sold 5k+ for the Original, & 31k+ for The Re-up ( source @chartnews). To date, PR:RR has sold 726K with the Sales of TRU. It is true, re-releases don't sell well, because most re-releases uses very little NEW material, or REMIXES of the album's hit singles( See BAD 25). TRU had 8 brand new songs, & a DVD, that's not an EP( 5-6 songs), that's an LP. So, in Reality Katy perry still sold more than TRU Not adding the original RR sales.

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